Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dominant Corporate Messages

The dominant messages that we see today in either movies, pictures, music videos, magazines etc.) are telling us that in order to live a good and meaningful life you can't really be yourself. To live a good and meaningful like one must make a lot of money, have a good job, look good, etc. These are the messages that are attempting to mold us, and we follow them not knowing what else to do. No one really questions these messages, because people try to be better than each other and fit in. Everyone is following the same route. We all have the same requirements. We're all living in one big cycle. After a while we get sucked into this cycle and not many of us think about it anymore; we just go along with it. The reason we go along with it, is because all of us are trying to fill an emptiness; we're trying to make something of our lives, even if our lives are already perfect, it just never seems enough. In class when we discussed this topic we had said that people do this because we are all trying to distract ourselves from our misery. There are many people who are just unhappy. Those with money, distract themselves with buying hiuge houses all over th world, planes cars, jewlery etc, to distract themselves from pain. All these corporate companies and people are trying to sell all of us more distractions, or convincing us that we'll be happy if and only if we do/ buy the things they want us to.

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