Saturday, January 24, 2009


For Martin Luther King Day I didn't really hear anything about the holiday. I don't recall the t.v even being on that day. Watching things comemorating him is a bit repetative to me. We already know what happend to him and we know about his famous "I have a dream speech". I feel like if the media found different ways of celebrating the life if MlK then they should be a bit more creative then to just run shows and biographical movies about him because people have already seen it several time and they just aren't as interested in it. I feel like it's a important holiday in America since it's they day celebrating the life of a African American that put an end to segregation and fought for equality amoung blacks and whites so I think it's a positive thing that his Birthday was made into a holiday.

In class what had grabbed my attention is when Andy talked about how people don't really know MLK for what he really was, a socialist and the fact that he had assosiations with prostitutes. I felt like that was an interesting point that maybe people are covering parts of his life up to make him a good figure for people. MLK is acknowledged as "postage stamp saint" he today is treated like a saint to all people that he put in end to racial inequality and that he risked his life for black ansd whites to be able to drink from the same water fountains, but really he is just an ordinary man who just did a good deed for what he believed him he fought for what he wanted to change, basically just going after his dream. There are many people like that in the world today who try to make changes, some are successful some aren't but people tend to over do it a little bit. People know MLK for all the good things that he has done for people, but if someone were to take a survey, more than half of the people wouldn't really know the true events of MLK's life. If those who didn't know found out, they would deny it because everything is made so that these people are presented as such good images that they couldn't possibly have done anyting bad in they're lives. No one really knows who to believe anymore and whether or not something is true because everything in America has frosting

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